Matthew Walters Pet Sitting

About Matthew Walters

Meet Matthew Walters, your dedicated and caring pet sitter! With a lifelong passion for animals and years of experience in pet care, Matthew provides trusted and reliable services to pet owners seeking loving care for their furry companions. Whatever they need: walks, play, love, attention, or just a buddy!

Matthew prioritizes the well-being and happiness of every pet under his watch. With a gentle touch and patient approach, Matthew ensures that each pet recieves personalized attention and affection tailored to their unique needs. As someone who has owned pets themselves, Matthew understands the importance of trust and peace of mind when leaving your beloved pets in someone else’s care.

Matthew strives to exceed expectations in every aspect of his service. Your pets will be in loving hands with Matthew, allowing you to enjoy worry-free time away knowing that they’re in the best of care.

Matthew Walking